New server! - 10/5/2009
We are glad to inform you that as of Saturday the 9th of May our websites have been moved to a new larger and faster server. So far everything seems to run smoothly but there might be some small problems that need to be fixed. We try to fix every bug as soon as we find it, but we would like to ask you to inform us in case you find something that needs to be fixed.

We hope that we offer you a faster site and big enough for all your great shots!

Screening Team - 16/11/2008
As of Friday the 14th of November, we activated a group of screeners to process all photos that are uploaded. Our aim is to increase the standards of photos that are added on We have amended our Terms & Conditions to reflect this change.

Please do not hesitate to contact us on with any questions or concerns. Team

Airport direct links are available - 19/5/2008

Two new ways added to link photos from a specific airport, using IATA or ICAO codes.

You can use the following links:

IATA code

ICAO code

We hope you like this new service! Team.

New way to link your photos - Embedded links - 25/4/2008

Here is another way to share photos in your page. The embedded link is a javascript reference to a photo that generates HTML code inside your page. For example, this code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www. airpics. gr/air.asp?id=333"></script>

has the following result: (The id is the photo ID as displayed in site.)

© Costis Papadakis

Link directly to your pics or a specific registration number. - 31/3/2008

We have added a feature that allows you to link your pics on to other website or forums.

The Format is very simple, and your name with underscore in between.

e.g for Panayiotis Lekkas the link would be:


Also we are giving you the option to link the pics of a specific aircraft registration number on to other web sites or forums.

This time type, and the registration number you wish.

e.g. for the reg No UR-82060 the link would be


We hope that you find these features useful. Contact us with  any comments or suggestions. Team