Welcome to airpics.gr.
Our site is aiming to create the best aviation related photography database. The only source for our database will be aviation enthusiasts, plane spotters etc. from (hopefully) all over the world.
We accept pictures from both amateur and professional photographers. In order to bring you the best in aviation photos our criteria are simple. High quality pictures displaying anything that is aviation related. In cases where a picture is not of the quality requirements we have, but at the same time is depicting something that is considered historical or rare, we will upload that picture to our database.
Airpics.gr is not a corporate web site. The founders and administrators are enthusiasts like you that were looking for something different than the existing aviation photography databases.
Airpics.gr will not at present offer subscription services. Anyone can view our pictures but will have to register (free of charge) in order to upload pictures or comment on existing entries on our database.
1. Register by filling out the Registration Form and activate your account by using the confirmation e-mail that will be sent to your preferred e-mail account.
2. After you have registered and you are sure that you are loged in you will see that the 'upload' button will appear. You can use the upload form to send us your photo. Minimum dimensions of your photo should be 1024x768 pixels and the maximum file size 2MB. Please fill in as much information as possible. Any info left blank will be filled by us where possible.
Thank you for your visit. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your requests or questions regarding airpics.gr.
The airpics.gr team.
Terms & Conditions
Please read the following Terms & Conditions (terms) regarding the use of www.airpics.net and www.airpics.gr (website, websites, us) and itheir services by our users (users, you) registered or not. All users that wish to register must read these terms before registering. Guests should also read these terms and act accordingly.
Registering on our site or using it as a guest suggests that you have read and understood the following terms.
1. Description of website
2. Description of service - Requirements - Limitations
3. Photo usage
4. Membership
5. Copyrights
6. Liability
7. General terms
1. Description of website
This website was created as an alternative to existing databases. The website's main purpose is to present the work of professional and amateur photographers, planespotters and aviation enthusiasts or anyone who feels that their photos are within the website's standards. Please note that all photos are subject to approval by the website's editor or editors.
2. Description of service - Requirements - Limitations
a. General description.
The website provides a presentation platform for aviation related pictures. The platform includes a search engine and a browse page. All search results are displayed using by default a picture ID order. Users may alter this order to their preference using the options provided. Underneath or next to displayed pictures information is displayed which include Airline, Aircraft, Registration, Construction Number (C/N), Photo Date, Location and the photographer for each picture. This information is not a standard apart from: Photo Date (in some cases estimated), Location and the Photographer's Name.
b. Photo remarks.
Also on the photo display pages on both sizes, medium and large (see below) we provide a space for photographers to give further information or details on their pictures. This space should only be used for this purpose. All texts should be in English and will be uploaded unedited expect in cases of misspelling where the website's editors will correct any mistakes, and in cases of duplicate information (e.g. Airlines Name or Location in full or Codes since specific fields are provided). REMARKS WILL BE REMOVED AND NOT BE UPLOADED IN CASES WHERE PHOTOGRAPHERS USE THIS SPACE TO PROVOKE USERS OR REPLY TO PERSONAL DISPUTES. IN SOME CASE EDITOR'S WILL NOT UPLOAD THE PICTURE FOR WHICH SUCH REMARKS ARE INCLUDED.
c.Sizes of photos.
Photos on this website are displayed as follows.
i) For landscape orientation, in a small view of normally 180x135 px (or smaller), a medium size of 640x480 px (or smaller) and a large size of 1024x768 px (or smaller). The width of images remains the same despite the image's height.However there is a limit on the height for landscape photos. This limit is based on the large size which must not be smaller than 1024px in width x590px in height.All pictures uploaded are reduced to the previous sizes mentioned.
ii) For portrait orientation, in a small view of normally 101x135 px (or smaller), a medium size of 360x480 px (or smaller) and a large size of 576x768 px (or smaller). The height of images remains the same despite the image's width.However there is a limit on the width for portrait photos. This limit is based on the large size which must not be smaller than 768px in height x460px in width.All pictures uploaded are reduced to the previous sizes mentioned.
Please note the following. IN CASES WHERE THE LIMITS ABOVE ARE NOT MET, EITHER ON THE ORIGINAL PHOTO OR ON THE REDUCED LARGE SIZE, PHOTOS WILL BE REJECTED.Original photos on their original sizes are kept for backup and recovery purposes.
d. Content of photos accepted.
For our database we accept photos that portray flying equipment (ultra light or light aircraft, small or large private aircraft, commercial aircraft, cargo aircraft, seaplanes, air balloons, fighter and military aircraft, helicopters - commercial, private or military, any interior of these), aviation related venues or areas (airports - aerial views, terminals, buildings, facilities, repair hangars, runways and taxiways) where photography is permitted or when in cases of photography normally prohibited a licence has been granted. For military airports that are also used by commercial aircraft we will accept photos that not include military facilities in the background. In the case that a picture is uploaded from normally prohibited areas we will upload it assuming that a licence was granted. WE WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IF PROHIBITED AREAS OR AIRCRAFT ARE INCLUDED IN THE PICTURES BUT WILL IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THEM WHEN NOTIFIED BY OFFICIALS OF THE AREAS OR THE SUBJECTS PORTRAYED.
e. Content of photos not accepted.
Usually we will not accept photos for the following "Rejections Reasons".
- Bad Camera Angle.The angle of your photo does not offer a good view of the subject in your photo.
- Blocked View.The subject of your photo is not clearly visible because of other objects or natural obstacles.
- Blurred Photo.or- Object not in Focus.The subject in your photo is out of focus. Either it is in part or all.
-Distorted Photo.Your photo has distortion around depicted objects. In some cases distortion by engine thrust or heat haze may be accepted.
-Filters Applied on Photo.Your photo has been edited in way that is obvious or in a way that distorts the photo.
- Horizon not Aligned.Your photo is not aligned with the horizon. This can be easily corrected with photo editing software.
- Information Missing or Wrong.We always double check information for photos uploaded. In cases where information are missing or are wrong and it is not possible for us to determine the correct information based on the photo, those photos will be rejected.
- Object in Distance.The object in your photo appears very small in the frame usually because it is too far away.
- Object is Back Lit.In some cases the light comes from behind the object in your photo making it less visible. Apart from cases where with the proper lighting condition back lit objects can have an art look.
- Object is Not Centred in the Frame.The subject in your photo is not centred in the frame. This can be easily corrected with a photo editing software.
- Object not in Frame (clipped).The subject in you photo is clipped. (e.g. wingtips, winglets etc)
- Photo Previously Uploaded.We have either added your photo previously or it has been previously rejected.
- Poor Photo Quality.The compression quality of your photo is low.
- Reflections on Photo.When taking photos through windows usually reflections appear. Either form surrounding objects or "ghostly" impressions of the same object. This can be sometimes corrected with photo editing software.
- Similar Photo on Database.Usually refers to aircraft registrations or airlines livery in the same position with other photos that are previously uploaded.
- Size is smaller than required.Your photo is smaller than the sizes described in section 2-c.
- Subject on Photo not Accepted.Your photo might contain the following. We do not accept some in-flight service pictures (meals, drinks, seat pitch etc. - however some screen displays might be accepted), photos that include faces as a close up since you need to have the permission of the person portrayed, if you do please state so in your remarks. Also we do not accept airport vehicles or building and interior details, aircraft details that are not clear on what they "offer". We will not usually accept military aircraft from military airports. However in cases of air-shows or when the photographer has a permission photos will be accepted. For in-flight aerial views we accept landscapes only if a big part pf the wing or engine is in the photo as well (In cases of airport aerial views this does not apply). Aerial views of airport are accepted apart from those operated also by the military.
- Uneven Color Balance.Your photo needs processing which in some cases can be fixed with photo editing software.
- Uneven Contrast / Brightness Balance.Your photo is either too dark or too bright. This can be sometimes corrected with photo editing software.
- Uneven Photo Size.Your photo is not within the sizes described in section 2-c.
- User Applied Watermarks, Digital Date etc, must not be printed on photos.We do not accept photos that have date stamps or user applied watermarks.
f. Uploads
Any photos uploaded on both airpics.net and airpics.gr will appear on both websites since they share the same database.Only registered users are allowed to upload photos on the website. Photos must be in a jpg format with a file size up to 2MB. For photo dimensions refer to section 2-c. When a user first registers with the website, will have a limit of two uploads which translates to two pending photos for screening and addition. This limit increases according to the total accepted photos on our database. A four photos limit is applied when a total of 25 photos is reached, 6 photos limit for a total of 50 photos and a 10 photos limit is applied when a total of 100 photos is added on the database.
Photos are uploaded as a result of a decision made solemnly by the photographers. The website and its team does not provide any form of payment for uploads and additions to the database. Please note that by uploading their photos users give us the right to a) resize their photos for presentation purposes as described in section 2-c, b) use their photos for in-site promotions, and c) apply watermarks and copyright information.
g. Screening
All photos uploaded on our website will be screened and checked before entering in our database. Screening is done by a team of screeners and the website editor or editors. The decision is final but our users are free to contact the website with their opinion.
3. Photo usage
a. Copyright to photos
All Pictures, in all three sizes (Thumbnail, Medium, Large) are protected by International copyright laws.All copyrights are with each photographer respectively as shown on the bottom of each picture.
b. Use of photos by guests
Our guests and users can view the images on their web browser and to use them as their personal computer wallpaper (or background image) on their own computer. The photos (in any of the sizes on the website) may not be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, or otherwise altered without the written permission of the photographer. No commercial use of these photos may be made in any way. Nor guests or users may not use these photos on any web page, commercial or non-commercial, for profit or non-profit, without written permission from the photographer. You may however link to the photos in the ways given under each photo (on medium and large sizes).
Should any of our guests find a photo from our database that they would like to use in any way described, will have to contactthe photographer of that photo who at any case remains the only copyright holder.WE CAN NOT GIVE PERMISSIONS TO USE ANY OF THE PHOTOS ON OUR DATABASE. THIS IS ONLY UP TO EACH PHOTOGRAPHER. Our guests can easily contact photographers using the contact form provided by clicking the contact link on each photo.
c. Use of photos after getting permission
The photos on this site are licensed to our website as described in section 2-f. They have a footer with copyright information and when users choose to they also carry a visible watermark. If you get permission from a photographer to use a photo, you may use a copy from our website. But we ask you to contact us as well. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONTACT ANYONE THAT USES ANY OF OUR PHOTOS WITHOUT HAVING NOTIFIED US. We recommend that you ask the photographer to give you a "clean" copy of the photo. In any case we ask that users mention our website (and if possible to link back to us) when using photos that were found through our database.
4. Membership
a. Description
Any guest can register to our website (become members). At the moment we do not require any form of payment for services provided. Members can upload photos, rate photos, have personalised information on new additions to the website and have the choice of receiving our newsletter.
b. Cancellation
If any of our members decide to end their membership must contact us stating their decision. Their account will be deactivated as soon as possible and will receive a confirmation e-mail. If they have photos on our database they will be deactivated after a period of 7 days. In that period members will have the chance to change their decision and have their account reactivated. Furthermore their photos will remain in our database for at least 30 days (but deactivated) and then will be removed completely. Again in that period reactivation will be possible. After that period reactivation is not possible and any photos must be uploaded again after registering.
5. Copyrights
a. All Pictures, in all three sizes (Thumbnail, Medium, Large) are protected by International copyright laws. All copyrights are with each photographer respectively as shown on the bottom of each picture. No commercial or any other use is allowed without the written consent of the photographer.
b. All Logos (Airlines, National Flags or Emblems, Corporate Logos, Military Insignia) are copyrighted to their respective owners.
c. In case some of our content is believed to be breaking any copyright laws the website must be contacted immediately with information about the case of law breaking. After verifying the information given we will proceed to the removal of any such content.
d. All site content (photos excluded) are copyright of airpics.net and airpics.gr. This includes text, design, website logos and graphic images.
6. Liability
We are not liable for:
a. Any misuse of the copyright laws by our registered users and visitors.
b. Views or comments made by the site's visitors. Any comments, views or opinions, included on messages sent to our photographers are those of their sender and are not in anyway backed up, confirmed or supported by this website and its team.
c. Any incorrect information on photo's details which at our best is always double-checked.
d. Any faults or errors, of hardware or software, of Personal Computers, Laptops or any other device capable of browsing the web, while navigating through this website.
e. Any advertising that appears on our website that might appear or results to be misleading and might cause errors, of hardware or software, of Personal Computers, Laptops or any other device capable of browsing the web.
7. General Terms
a. To our best efforts the website will be ''on air'' at all times excluding scheduled (or not) maintenance or unpredicted failures and errors. At times, factors other then these mentioned may cause an interruption to the website's functions. In the case of disruption caused by Internet Service Provider's, Hosting Service Providers, Data Storage Services etc the website will be''off air'' for a period of time which will not be in our control.
b. Photos added to our website remain on the 'Recent Pics' section for at least 12 hours (10 photos is the limit which can be changed up to 15 according to traffic). Starting the 1stof January 2009 the 12 hour limit will be removed and photos will be uploaded as soon as possible.
c. If you would like to add a link to our website please do not hesitate to contact us. In our link page we place a logo for your website (155x55 px) and short description. We highly appreciate if you link back to us.
Please do not hesitate tocontact uswith your comments and suggestions regarding the Terms & Conditions of our website.
airpics.net & airpics.gr Team