F-GCBM, Boeing 747-200F(SCD), UTA

F-GCBM, Boeing 747-200F(SCD), UTA
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Airline: UTA (UT / UTA) Date: 2/5/1993
Aircraft: Boeing 747-200F(SCD) (228) Location: Greece, Athens
Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT)
RegNo: F-GCBM Photographer: George Pantalos
C/N: 24879 Uploader: George Pantalos
Remarks: It was about 4.30 in the morning, returning home from my job when I saw this beauty lining up for 33R. Immediately I stopped the car, took out my camera, placed it on the roof of my car (that's the dark color at the bottom of the photo) and I made a risk by setting the shutter speed at 6 seconds. I was lucky... It was the unique visit of an UTA 747! Few months later it was repainted under the livery of Air France Asie http://www.airpics.net/photo/F-GCBM-Boeing-747-200F-Air-France-Asie/23871/L Links
Date added: 10/4/2012 Views: 756
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/26084
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