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Photo | Photo Info |
| Photo ID | 37365 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Dornier Do 228-200
| RegNo | SX-BHG | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 14/3/1990 | Remarks | | Views | 1152 |
| Photo ID | 37258 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Shorts 330-100
| RegNo | SX-BGF | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 6/10/1998 | Remarks | Stored at Charter Terminal along with the rest 5 Olympic a/c. | Views | 982 |
| Photo ID | 37257 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Shorts 330-100
| RegNo | SX-BGD | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 6/10/1998 | Remarks | All Olympic's SH330 stored at East Charter Terminal. SX-BGD is resting along with SX-BGC and SX-BGB. | Views | 1080 |
| Photo ID | 37227 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Shorts 330-100
| RegNo | SX-BGA | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 25/1/1993 | Remarks | Outside Olympic Aviation historical hangar | Views | 1044 |
| Photo ID | 36898 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Aerospatiale (Eurocopter) AS 350-B Ecureuil
| RegNo | SX-HBP | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | Alex Filippopoulos | Date | 9/4/1989 | Remarks | | Views | 629 |
| Photo ID | 30643 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Shorts 330-100
| RegNo | SX-BGD | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Anagnostopoulos | Date | 16/7/1992 | Remarks | | Views | 752 |
| Photo ID | 26047 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | ATR 42-300
| RegNo | SX-BIA | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 10/1/1989 | Remarks | Runway 15L overview. My Zenit camera had a maximum shutter speed of 30 seconds so I've shot 4 pictures at the same frame with just a few seconds break between them. Everything totally manual... | Views | 1142 |
| Photo ID | 25591 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Shorts 330-100
| RegNo | SX-BGD | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 3/8/1993 | Remarks | Landing in front of the few spotters while taking their ice coffee at the Emmantina Hotel. | Views | 1101 |
| Photo ID | 17154 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Agusta A109-A II Plus
| RegNo | SX-HDA | Location | Greece, Tanagra Tanagra Air Force Base (LGTG) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 18/9/2005 | Remarks | Dislpay at Archangelsk Air Show. | Views | 651 |
| Photo ID | 11144 | Airline | Olympic Aviation | Aircraft | Shorts 330-100
| RegNo | SX-BGA | Location | Greece, Athens Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT) | Photographer | George Pantalos | Date | 6/10/1998 | Remarks | All Olympic 's SD330 were stored at LGAT 's charter Terminal and finally were broken up at r/w 03/21. This photo proves why they call it "flying shoe-box". | Views | 899 |
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