01959, Cessna T-37-C, Hellenic Air Force

01959, Cessna T-37-C, Hellenic Air Force
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Airline: Hellenic Air Force (HAF) Date: 8/11/2003
Aircraft: Cessna T-37-C Location: Greece, Athens
Tatoi Airport (LGTT)
RegNo: 01959, TE-959 Photographer: Kostas D. Pantios
C/N: 42014 Uploader: Kostas D. Pantios
Remarks: The 'orange' T-33 can be seen in the background wearing its original paintjob. It has been repainted since but not all too successfully... (Negative scan) Links
Date added: 13/7/2010 Views: 427
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/13404
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