N830SU, Gulfstream III, Private

N830SU, Gulfstream III, Private
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Airline: Private Date: 15/7/2010
Aircraft: Gulfstream III Location: Greece, Athens
Eleftherios Venizelos Airport (ATH / LGAV)
RegNo: N830SU Photographer: Panagiotis A. Pietris
C/N: 321 Uploader: Panagiotis A. Pietris
Remarks: G3s are getting very rare now. This one is equipped with engine hash kits to minimize noise but not smoke emissions:-). The highly polished color is mirroring the red dirty ground on the underside of the wings surface. You can even see a mirror image of the port main landing gear! Links
Date added: 18/7/2010 Views: 324
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/13522
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