D-AHXC, Boeing 737-700, Air Berlin

D-AHXC, Boeing 737-700, Air Berlin
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Airline: Air Berlin (AB / BER) Date: 7/8/2010
Aircraft: Boeing 737-700 (7K5) Location: Greece, Kerkyra (Corfu)
Ioannis Kapodistrias Airport (CFU / LGKR)
RegNo: D-AHXC Photographer: Marios Kades
C/N: 34693 Uploader: mario_k
Remarks: Landing rwy 17... This one goes to mr Moutidis and mr Fountoukos! Links
Date added: 15/8/2010 Views: 386
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/13998
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