SX-UBR, ICP Savannah-MXP-740, Messolonghi Aero Club

SX-UBR, ICP Savannah-MXP-740, Messolonghi Aero Club
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Airline: Messolonghi Aero Club Date: 20/3/2011
Aircraft: ICP Savannah-MXP-740 Location: Greece, Messolonghi
Messolonghi Airfield
RegNo: SX-UBR Photographer: George Sfingas
C/N: 02-01-51-134 Uploader: George Sfingas
Remarks: Delivery day 13.10.2009. Congratulations to the people of Messolonghi Aero Club for the nice event that day. Links
Date added: 31/3/2011 Views: 489
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