D-AIMC, Airbus A380-800, Lufthansa

D-AIMC, Airbus A380-800, Lufthansa
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Airline: Lufthansa (LH / DLH) Date: 1/4/2011
Aircraft: Airbus A380-800 (841) Location: Greece, Athens
Eleftherios Venizelos Airport (ATH / LGAV)
RegNo: D-AIMC, Peking Photographer: Alex Filippopoulos
C/N: 044 Uploader: Alex Filippopoulos
Remarks: Unexpected visitor today on a route proving flight. Sorry to all the spotting crew for not informing in time to capture it. The beast taxied back to the runway after only 15 minutes on the ground heading back to FRA. - April Fool's Day 2011 Links
Date added: 1/4/2011 Views: 1293
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/19143
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