2592, Embraer ERJ 190-BJ Lineage 1000, Brazilian Air Force

2592, Embraer ERJ 190-BJ Lineage 1000, Brazilian Air Force
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Airline: Brazilian Air Force Date: 9/4/2011
Aircraft: Embraer ERJ 190-BJ Lineage 1000 Location: Greece, Athens
Eleftherios Venizelos Airport (ATH / LGAV)
RegNo: 2592, VC-2 Photographer: Konstantinos Zervos
C/N: 19000177 Uploader: Konstantinos Zervos
Remarks: Leased by Embraer to FAB, to fly as a reserve due to the scheduled interior maintenance of the two ERJ190s in the coming days. Fortunately all three of them visited Athens in the past 3 days, along with their A319, possibly because of the Brazilian President visit to Greece. (ex PT-SDD) Links
Date added: 10/4/2011 Views: 1074
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/19301
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