UR-TSI, Antonov An-12-BP, Khors Air

UR-TSI, Antonov An-12-BP, Khors Air
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Airline: Khors Air (KHO) Date: 2/7/1999
Aircraft: Antonov An-12-BP Location: Greece, Athens
Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT)
RegNo: UR-TSI Photographer: George Pantalos
C/N: 6344701 Uploader: George Pantalos
Remarks: Built in 1966. After serving well Khors for many years, damaged after left hand main gear separated on landing and the airplane slid off the runway on 31/12/2007 at Sierra Leone. Transferred to Sao Tome but only to be derelicted. Links
Date added: 11/4/2015 Views: 658
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/36124
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