166620, Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F/A-18-F Super hornet, United States Navy

166620, Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F/A-18-F Super hornet, United States Navy
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Airline: United States Navy Date: 23/6/2016
Aircraft: Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F/A-18-F Super hornet Location: Greece, Chania
RegNo: 166620 Photographer: Vangelis Antonakis
C/N: F113 Uploader: Vangelis Antonakis
Remarks: USS Harry S. Truman visit in Souda Bay. This is thw VFA-103 Jolly Rogers CAG aircraft with many mission markings from the recent Operation Inherent Resolve strikes in Iraq and Syria Links
Date added: 16/10/2016 Views: 1704
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/37623
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