G-CBUH, Westland Scout-AH.1, Private

G-CBUH, Westland Scout-AH.1, Private
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Airline: Private Date: 7/7/2007
Aircraft: Westland Scout-AH.1 Location: United Kingdom, Yeovilton
Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton (YEO / EGDY)
RegNo: G-CBUH Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: F9475 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: Previously XP849 with the ETPS at Boscombe down this is one of a number of Scouts and Wasps that made their way in to civilan hands after their retirement from military service. Links
Date added: 9/2/2009 Views: 329
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5099
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