57-2589, Boeing C-135-E Stratolifter, United States Air Force

57-2589, Boeing C-135-E Stratolifter, United States Air Force
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Airline: United States Air Force Date: 3/3/1995
Aircraft: Boeing C-135-E Stratolifter Location: United Kingdom, Fairford
RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA)
RegNo: 57-2589 Photographer: Alastair C McBean
C/N: 17725 Uploader: alnewhaven
Remarks: Off work with a cold. B-52s down the road prompteda visit to Fairford in order to get the benefit of frsh air. This beauty from the 55th Wing was a divert from BZN and was delivering some top brass. Links
Date added: 18/2/2009 Views: 459
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5215
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