191659, Messerschmitt Me 163-B Komet, German Air Force - Luftwaffe

191659, Messerschmitt Me 163-B Komet, German Air Force - Luftwaffe
German Air Force - Luftwaffe Login to add this photo
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Airline: German Air Force - Luftwaffe Date: 18/7/2006
Aircraft: Messerschmitt Me 163-B Komet Location: United Kingdom, Edinburgh
RAF East Fortune
RegNo: 191659 Photographer: Alastair C McBean
C/N: 191659 Uploader: alnewhaven
Remarks: Still the worlds only rocket powered interceptor tohave entered service. Captured at Husum, Schleswig Holstein at the end of the war, she was alloacted UK serial AM 215 Links
Date added: 25/2/2009 Views: 487
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5306
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