7500, McDonnell Douglas RF-4-E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force

7500, McDonnell Douglas RF-4-E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force
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Airline: Hellenic Air Force (HAF) Date: 4/9/2008
Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas RF-4-E Phantom II Location: Greece, Tanagra
Tanagra Air Force Base (LGTG)
RegNo: 7500 Photographer: Panagiotis A. Pietris
C/N: 4127 Uploader: Panagiotis A. Pietris
Remarks: This is ex Luftwaffe 35+53 and still painted in Lizard camo. Note the absence of the side looking cameras! Links
Date added: 26/2/2009 Views: 472
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5329
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