155761, McDonnell Douglas F-4-J Phantom II, United States Navy

155761, McDonnell Douglas F-4-J Phantom II, United States Navy
United States Navy Login to add this photo
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Airline: United States Navy Date: 30/7/1978
Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas F-4-J Phantom II Location: Germany, Ramstein
Ramstein Air Base (RMS / ETAR)
RegNo: 155761 Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: 2974 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: The first USN Phantom I ever saw and photographed back at the Ramstein Open House of 1978. Despite their length of service they were rare in the UK, in fact I had already seen Tomcats before I saw Navy F-4s!! Links
Date added: 6/3/2009 Views: 379
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5448
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