F-AZFX, Dassault MD311 Flamant, Private

F-AZFX, Dassault MD311 Flamant, Private
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Airline: Private Date: 14/7/1995
Aircraft: Dassault MD311 Flamant Location: United Kingdom, Yeovilton
Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton (YEO / EGDY)
RegNo: F-AZFX Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: 282 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: The MD311, was a bombing, navigation and photography trainer of which 39 were built. There were several other versions used by the French and other air forces. they were in service until the 1960's. Links
Date added: 14/3/2009 Views: 352
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5569
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