138944, Douglas KA-3-B Skywarrior, United States Navy

138944, Douglas KA-3-B Skywarrior, United States Navy
United States Navy Login to add this photo
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Airline: United States Navy Date: 23/10/1983
Aircraft: Douglas KA-3-B Skywarrior Location: USA, Point Mugu
PMTC Point Mugu
RegNo: 138944 Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: 95 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: Coded GD 220 from VAQ-34 "The Electric Horsemen" this Whale takes part in a refuelling demo with A-6E 151162 55 from the resident PMTC. Links
Date added: 16/3/2009 Views: 772
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5607
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