SX-OAB, Boeing 747-200B, Untitled

SX-OAB, Boeing 747-200B, Untitled
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Airline: Untitled Date: 7/3/2009
Aircraft: Boeing 747-200B (284) Location: Greece, Athens
Hellinikon Airport (HEW / LGAT)
RegNo: SX-OAB, Olympic Eagle Photographer: Ilias Diakoumakos
C/N: 20825 Uploader: Ilias Diakoumakos
Remarks: The landing gear of the once flagship of O.A. has seen better days for sure...But the condition is reversible and the tyres can be changed by specialized personel. Lets hope that something will be done soon... Links
Date added: 17/3/2009 Views: 786
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