G-BLJB, Shorts 330-UTT, Royal Thai Air Force

G-BLJB, Shorts 330-UTT, Royal Thai Air Force
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Airline: Royal Thai Air Force Date: 8/9/1984
Aircraft: Shorts 330-UTT Location: United Kingdom, Farnborough
Farnborough Airport (FAB / EGLF)
RegNo: G-BLJB Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: SH3099 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: Wearing the markings of the Royal Thai Police with whom she went on to serve serialled 25099 this aircraft was displayed bty the manufacturer at the Farnborough Air Show. Links
Date added: 18/3/2009 Views: 653
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5616
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