SX-HCQ, Robinson R22-B Beta, Private

SX-HCQ, Robinson R22-B Beta, Private
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Airline: Private Date: 9/11/2003
Aircraft: Robinson R22-B Beta Location: Greece, Athens
Tatoi Airport (LGTT)
RegNo: SX-HCQ Photographer: Panagiotis A. Pietris
C/N: 1761 Uploader: Panagiotis A. Pietris
Remarks: This R.22B was noticed operating for Dekelia Aeroclub. It is ex. N40761 and started her life in Greek register operating for Karakitsos Security under the same registration. Nikon F90X, Nikon Nikkor AF 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6D-IF, f8, 1/500, 70mm, Fujichrome Sensia 100. Links
Date added: 3/4/2009 Views: 389
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