19668, Canadair CL-13-4 Sabre, Italian Air Force

19668, Canadair CL-13-4 Sabre, Italian Air Force
Italian Air Force Login to add this photo
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Airline: Italian Air Force Date: 8/7/1988
Aircraft: Canadair CL-13-4 Sabre Location: Italy, Milan
Cameri Air Base (LIMN)
RegNo: 19668 Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: 568 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: One of a number of preserved aircraft at the home of 53 St. This Sabre is painted in the colours of the Lanceri Neri aerobatic team. As far as I know this is currently the only shot on the web!! Links
Date added: 17/4/2009 Views: 373
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5937
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