MM62166, ATR 42-400MP Surveyor, Guardia di Finanza

MM62166, ATR 42-400MP Surveyor, Guardia di Finanza
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Airline: Guardia di Finanza Date: 8/7/2005
Aircraft: ATR 42-400MP Surveyor Location: United Kingdom, Fairford
RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA)
RegNo: MM62166 Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: 502 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: The Guardia di Finanza is an Italian police force under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Finance. It is part of the Italian Armed Forces. It maintains over 100 aircraft to fulfill its mission of patrolling Italy's territorial waters. Links
Date added: 21/4/2009 Views: 541
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