9940, Fairchild Bolingbroke -IVT, Untitled

9940, Fairchild Bolingbroke -IVT, Untitled
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Airline: Untitled Date: 10/9/2008
Aircraft: Fairchild Bolingbroke -IVT Location: United Kingdom, Edinburgh
RAF East Fortune
RegNo: 9940 Photographer: Alastair C McBean
C/N: 962 Uploader: alnewhaven
Remarks: Currently under restoration for NMS. From their web site: The Fairchild Bolingbroke was the Canadian built Blenheim IV; this example served with the Royal Canadian Air Force as a target tug and did not arrive in the UK until 1971. The Museum of Flight bought the unrestored airframe from the Strathallan Collection auction in 1981. Links
Date added: 15/3/2009 Views: 309
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5581
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