135620, Lockheed AP-2-H Neptune, United States Navy

135620, Lockheed AP-2-H Neptune, United States Navy
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Airline: United States Navy Date: 11/11/1983
Aircraft: Lockheed AP-2-H Neptune Location: USA, Tucson
RegNo: 135620 Photographer: Ian T Powell
C/N: 726-7052 Uploader: rhino11
Remarks: They don't come much rarer than this heavily modified P2V-7 Neptune which was one of only 4 used by VAH-21 and is the sole survivor. They were used on night raids to attack road and river traffic during Vietnam, being based at Cam Ran Bay. Links
Date added: 15/3/2009 Views: 546
External View / Photo URL: www.airpics.gr/photo/5582
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